The events of the last few weeks with the Covid-19 outbreak has affected us all in many ways. Ensuring we have a solid immune system has never been so important. A weakened immune system can make us more vulnerable to a host of nasty viruses like Covid-19. We have seen that those that are affected the worse are those labelled with ‘chronic underlying diseases‘. These groups are elderly people above 70 years of age, and people with underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and cancer. A point to be made here is that most of these diseases are preventable and/or reversible if we choose to change the way we eat, move and think. Here are a few ways we can improve our immune system to help protect us from the risk of infection.
Simple exercises can improve your immune system. You don’t need a gym. Plenty can be done at home if we can’t get to the gym like push ups, air squats and burpees. If you’re stuck for ideas, try Youtube and find something you like the look of. During the Covid-19 outbreak, its best to keep the training stress low, so avoid high intensity sessions and drop back the weights.
A good diet and appropriate levels of the vitamins and minerals that support the immune system are essential for immunity. Supplements can help bridge the gap where we might fall short. The reasons for this shortfall are for another day 🙂
For immune support you may wish to consider additional vitamins A, B6, folate, B12, C and D, as well as the trace minerals zinc and selenium, which all contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Fish oils are also worth including but the list is not exhaustive by any means.
I recommend Cytoplan’s products as they are easily absorbed, effective and are suitable for vegans and vegetarians. They can also be classed as raw food, since the growth and manufacturing process used in their creation never goes above 46 degrees centigrade. If you click the ‘find out more’ link below, you’ll see they have a section on immune support under the products section.
Research shows that sleep helps the immune system. Numerous studies have reported the benefits of a good night’s sleep, and now researchers from Germany have found that sound sleep improves immune cells known as T cells. Thankfully we all have plenty of time to sleep during the outbreak.
Sunshine gives us vitamin D. Vitamin D helps with immunity. If you can’t get enough sunshine then take vitamin D during October to March. Its inexpensive and easy to take. Most in the UK are very low in vitamin D at this time of year. The UK average score at this time of year is around 70 which although isn’t considered deficient when you visit your doctor, its probably well short of optimal.
Stress is the precursor to most illness and is particularly important to get on top of this during the outbreak. Being cooped up isn’t nice, but we have to do it so we might as well make the most of it. Try yoga, mindfulness, read books, listen to music, tidy the garden and play with your children. They all help reduce cortisol levels. A good quality CBD oil can also help reduce anxiety. Also worth checking how much mainstream media you watch. Get the facts once a day and then switch it off and watch something else.
A healthy gut is key to overall health. Studies show a direct link between your gastrointestinal system and overall immune function, and one of the most important steps to achieving healthy gut function is by restoring and maintaining a healthy balance of gut flora. There are several ways you can do this but I really like the 5R program we offer in the clinic. This approach uses the concepts of Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair and Retain to provide a focus for evaluation and treatment. The result of this approach is the ability to implement a targeted intervention programme involving nutrients, digestive enzymes, and probiotics that promote normalized GI function and optimal health.