“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” – Mark Twain
You may have heard about the blood type diet from a friend or relative, or read about it in a magazine. Many people try the blood type diet in the hopes of enhancing their overall health or fighting a particular disease. Many use the diet as a way of achieving their ideal weight. These are all very good reasons as over the years many people have used the Blood Type Diet to accomplish these goals. I have seen amazing results with this way of living, and actually it’s not difficult to keep up once you get into the habit.
Many patients of mine have tried this diet (it’s not really a diet in the normal sense actually). Of course I wouldn’t recommend it if I hadn’t tried it myself. If your’e considering the benefits, then let me know when we meet or via the contact form. Or for more information, click on the link http://www.dadamo.com/knowbase/newbie/1.htm